“Hear oh Israel The Lord Your God” (Deu. 6:4) Available as print or Original Contact Dalia at daliarosenfeld50@gmail.com
The Shema In Hebrew
…And They Will Look Upon Him Whom They Have Pierced
This is a picture that refers to the Lamb of God who appears in the center of the tablets of the Law above the Cup of Sanctification. In the background are the walls of Jerusalem. The red sky represents the cost of His shed blood and red also is the color of love.
Open Up the Gates of Righteousness
In the picture the Tablet of the Law appears as a gate through which people are seen entering bent down by world weariness as they enter Heaven. The shining sun represents a welcoming God.
Hineh Ma Tov (“Behold How Good and How Pleasant it is”)
This picture depicts the beautiful of unity between peoples.
Beauty for Ashes
This picture illuminates the scripture Isaiah 61 and shows the festive pouring out of the glory of Heaven. The Star of David which appears at the top represents the Jewish people to whom He promises beauty for ashes.
Pomegranate Tree
Just a beautiful, graceful and attractive pomegranate tree filled with fruit.
Palm Tree
I was impressed by the beauty of the palm tree, tall, dignified and fruitful.